Hello everyone on this the final full moon of 2021.

Winter is here in the Chihuahuan desert of southern New Mexico. Our wood stove crackles, burning up the detritus of tree pruning and the wooden scraps of so many projects. The gardens are tucked in and cozy for the winter, garlic growing ever so slightly each day with the afternoon sun, and lettuce oh so close to being ready for harvest in the cold frame. Leaves are everywhere and myriad birds have returned to this wintering oasis of the wing along the Rio Grande river.

We have both been working hard and settling back into life in our studios. Jeannie is busy weaving and Kyle is busy painting. It feels good to be back creating full time and renewed with new ideas and focus.

The first year of this Intentionally Confusing project has been low key, exploratory and vague. We think of it as sketching phase where to work through ideas to find the inspiration of what we envision for the future. We are working hard on a more solidified vision of where we are headed and will share that to you all in the new year. Thank you for sticking around and joining us for this journey.

Our gratitude to those of you whom have chipped in and become paid sustaining members of the project cannot be overstated. Paid members are what will make this project work in the long run; you are all patrons of the arts helping us explore new possibilities in creation. This year we have tried variations on how to offer rewards to paid members; from those experiences we have a pretty solid plan on how to reward you for helping us! We are writing up thoughts on this to share with the new year, but until then simply: Thank You!

We hope you are all safe, healthy and happy. We look forward to a brighter future and a new day full of boundless inspiration, to carry forward with us all that we have learned and experienced and to allow it to become our beings and infuse our every creation.
We leave with you tonight with "The Sun Sets" a short, filmed one evening high up in the mountains of Wyoming. This short is the last project we worked on this during this summers travels. We learned so much creating these films this summer and know the evolution of our skills in this area will result in some pure magic this next year.
Thank You All,
Jeannie & Kyle