We have entered a new chapter in flow of our lives. It is something big, 5,000 square feet big. A space that will facilitate creation and sharing of art of all kinds. A space for movement and meditation. A space to learn, to teach and to bring Art to life...and life to Art. We have purchased a building in Truth or Consequences at 312 Main Street!
This year marks our 11th year of stewarding an art space in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. We have been oh so lucky all these years to have a delightful and commited landlord whom has given us a truly amazing deal on rent to keep the doors open through the varied cycles of this strange town. We have long wanted to purchase our own space though, to create a permanent home for our work, our studio and to be able to truly craft the Art Space of our dreams.
Over the past month we have been meditating on the idea of how a space can open conduits of creativity. What does it mean to bring a space to life that is devoted to the creation and sharing of Art? How can it impact a community and the people involved to enrich their lives? The last eleven years have been a hands on learning experience into these questions, but we were always limited by space and by not being the owner of the building. We now look towards a future fully open to possibilities limited only by ourselves and we ponder these questions we now endeavor to uncover.
To begin with both of us will be moving our studios from our home, into the new space. We are curious, excited and admitedly a bit nervous to be moving our work space from the hidden nest of our home-studio into the public eye. It will be a change but we are so looking forward to working in the bright light and expansive volume of the space.
Our goal is to be out of our old gallery space (which is just two blocks away) by the end of the month and settling into this space. In the not-so-distant future our etching press and letterpress will get moved into the basement/downstairs, along with my loom(s) and stashes of fiber.
First though there is much labor to be tackled. We have started ourselves on the down and dirty tasks which we can easily finish with just our own elbow greese.
A few days ago Kyle finished sanding the floor upstairs after days of wrestling a giant drum sander. Yesterday we touched up some spots and today we'll begin the oiling process. (which is so very gratifying) Soon the floors will be ready for barefoot dancing, and my loom! As it always goes with such projects we ran into a little issue with the front third of the floor, under the white paint is a layer of (basically unsandable) tar-mastic. So we adapt and will end up painting the floor in this portion in some neat way. *We would love any suggestions or ideas if you have experience with floor painting, just reply to this email*
Meanwhile Jeannie has been in the basement cleaning 100 years of dust and grime, preping for paint and trying to figure out what to do with a crumbling linoleum floor - which luckily does not contain asbestos - we had it tested. Once cleaned we will paint the walls and ceiling and be able to start moving our art machinery and archives into this cavern.
These first chores are just the start though as we have a large checklist of things to do before opening: a new sewer line, building two bathrooms, new track lighting, and the endless list of small finsih work projects to follow after that. But thats enough of a play-by-play of our chores for now.
This new phase of our life here in Truth or Consequences is grounding in that it connects us fully to this place. We feel settled and content with our existence and commited to creating a magical space which will build community and support art. This space will be a place to teach and learn, share and appreciate the magic which is human expression.
Please enjoy this rather funny time lapse of Kyle sanding.
We are off to the studio for a few hours of fiber-work and brush-work before heading back to the cleaning rampage.
Happy Equinox, and we hope this changing of seasons brings you much beauty,
Jeannie & Kyle