Hello from Jeannie and Kyle up here in Montana. It's been a month now in the state where we met and fell in love with each other: visiting family, friends, old haunts and the mountains we love so much. On this eve of the full moon we share memories of this time with you.
Almost a full moon. Neihart MontanaHand drilled garnettes nestled in a bed of moss. A small world. Jim Dolan's "Bleu Horses" near Three Forks Montana.Bane Berries.Stones on stones. Some have traveled far, some rest silently for an eternity.A fellow weaver. Wood, both petrified and burned.A fire erupts in the Big Belt Mountains of Central Montana.A small gauche study of a future painting by Kyle.Goldenrod freshly collected on the banks of the Yellowstone river ready for the dye pot.Porcupine.Moss on rock. Pelicans.Chanterelle aka Mountain Gold.The New Moon. Artists Larry Pogreba and Jim Dollan inspecting Jim's latest creations. Near the Divide Rd in the Little Belt Mountains. Neihart Montana. Root Celler, Martinsdale Montana.A sheep wagon! (future goals)Lennep, Montana.Green on green.We had an improptu pop up sale at a pop up art sale in Bozeman Montana.East Hyalite Creek finally in the clouds.Russula emetica.Chanterelle.Light, traveling through smokey skies and crystalline formations. Boletus edulis. Rainy and misty afternoon high up in the alpine.Kyle painted this as a gift to Mika for her second birthday.Jeannie with a King Bolete. Full moon rise in the midst of fire season.
Today's full moon turns our eyes south towards the trip back down the spine of the Rockies. We will return to making art in the wild, refreshed from the visit back to our "home" and full of ideas about the future. Our time in Montana is the completion of a circle we started 15 years ago when we left together after college, it's been rejuvenating and we find ourselves at the dawn of a new day rising.